CU One to One offers scholarships for our students. Students who are high school graduates and have taken part in the program for at least three years can get a scholarship.
A scholarship award does not depend on grades or financial need.
The scholarship applies to college, community college, or technical school. Students can use the money for tuition, books, fees or other expenses billed by the institution. Funds get released directly to the student's account at their institution. ​
Donations from businesses and individuals are welcome and tax-deductible. 100% of your donation goes toward funding scholarships unless otherwise indicated.
​Corporate sponsors can fund a semester or full-year scholarship. Endowed scholarships can be funded in an individual or company's name. Also, corporate sponsors may choose to donate to our year end banquets. These celebrations recognize our program participants.
Donate by Mail
Please mail contributions (include return address) to:​
Scholarship Foundation
P.O. Box 981
Champaign, IL 61824-0981
Payroll Deduction
If you contribute to the Combined Charities Campaign, you can specify that all or a portion of your contribution goes to C-U One-to-One. Specify Code 705 on the CCC form when you sign up.